
Mount Sainte Victoire

There's a mountain outside of Aix, made famous by Paul Cezanne's many paintings of it. On Saturday morning, we embarked on a little expedition up Mt. Sainte Victoire. The city bus dropped us off next to a dam, where we were found an incredible view of the mountain. Our goal was to climb all the way up to the top.

Next the mountain is a beautiful reservoir, where the city gets most of its drinking water.

Here's how things looked when we were halfway there. We had to walk along a very tall ridge to get to the peak. I'm pretty afraid of heights, so I was getting quite nervous at this point!

We thought it was fitting that we chose Holy Saturday to climb Mt. Sainte Victoire, because the summit is marked by a chapel and a giant cross.

We made it all the way to the top in a little over two hours! The fantastic views were almost worth that long, rocky, uphill climb. {just kidding, Adam!}

We ate a picnic lunch at the chapel and the started the long climb back down. Because it was so rocky, it took us almost the same amount of time to get back!

I still can't believe we made it all the way up there!

1 comment:

  1. i can't believeb you guys climbed a mountain! i'm still not sure if i actually believe it. have fun on your trip this week!


You're awesome!