
Cezanne's Studio

The last Saturday in January, Adam and I visited Paul Cezanne's studio, an Aix-en-Provence landmark. Cezanne {a famous impressionist artist} was born in Aix, lived in Paris for many years, and then returned to his hometown for the final years of his life. It was so amazing to see the studio where he painted some of his most famous works of art. We also got to see some of the objects he used in still-lifes, like vases, bowls, statues, and tables. We weren't allowed to take pictures of the studio itself, but here are a few of the house's exterior. I love the contrast of the red shutters and green vines!

Mount Sainte-Victoire, located outside of the city, was a huge source of inspiration for Cezanne. He painted the mountain dozens of times from different angles and in different weather. One of his favorite painting spots was just up the hill from his studio, so after leaving the museum we walked up to enjoy Cezanne's view.


You're awesome!